Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Vlog #3: Chrissy Tentatively Speaks to the Camera

Chrissy defends Narnia. Sort of. But not the children. Or the sandwiches.

NOTE: I actually say in this video that we don't agree about the children but, in fact, we do and I knew we did going in. I don't know why I said the opposite. Just one of those things.

This will be the last Narnia-bashing one for a bit. I promise.

Some of you may be saying "Cherie, you're not in this vlog. That's cheating." First off, my voice is in the vlog. And secondly, I never said in the rules that I had to be in the vlogs I make.

Also my sister's a lot more shy about the camera than me. She really likes the idea of video blogs but it seems less so the idea of people seeing them. However, she was kind enough to allow me to post this and gave me permission to post another one as well.

Whereas I wouldn't care what people said or thought about me and love the idea of lots of people seeing me act insane, my sister is the exact opposite. I don't think I have to worry about anyone in this blog being mean to her, but if anyone was, then they would regret it... Just so we're clear.

You can make fun of me all you like, though. Although, if you do, I'd prefer you give a reason so I can improve or just, you know, have a better reason to make funny faces at you.


Anonymous said...

Is it mean to say you look exactly alike? Because it's not meant to be mean, but you do!
Okay, gimme the actual citation for the sandwiches bit, perferably the actual chapter or an online link. I'd like to argue the point, but I'm not even sure what the point is and that makes it hard to argue.
Nonsense I say!

Cherie said...

That's not mean, that's just fine. Many people have made the same observation. :)

There are SEVERAL citations because the sandwiches go on for a depressingly long amount of time but here's where it starts in the first chapter "The Island" (pg 4 in my book)

"We've got sandwiches Mother gave us for the journey," said Edmund. "At least I've got mine."

Cherie said...

Sorry, I pushed the wrong button. Here's more:

"Not me," said Lucy. "Mine were in my little bag."

"So were mine," said Susan

"Mine are in my coat-pocket, there on the beach," said Peter. "That'll be two lunches among four. This isn't going to be so much fun."



No, I don't suppose a magical world is much fun without sandwiches.


But that isn't the end. They continue to talk about how to get food and water and whether or not they're on an island. They find some water. And later in the same chapter on page 8:

"Now," said Edmund, "what about those sandwiches?"

"Oh hadn't we better save them?" said Susan. "We may need them far worse later on."

"I do wish," said Lucy, "now that we're not thirsty, we could go on feeling as not-hungry as we did when we were thirsty."

"But what about those sandwiches?" repeated Edmund. "There's no good saving them till they go bad. You've got to remember it's a great deal hotter here than in England and we've been carrying them in our pockets for hours." So they got out the two packets and divided them into four portions, and nobody had quite enough, but it was a great deal better than nothing. Then they talked about their plans for the next meal....


And they seriously go on talk about these plans but I'm not typing all that up. My objection isn't even that this isn't a viable issue. They're not exactly equipped for the wild. But rather than go on for pages and pages about it I feel it could have been easily summed up with something like the following:

"The children found they did not have quite enough sandwiches among them and so split the few they had and then began to congenially discuss cannibalism. It was decided that since Edmund would be the first to betray them for food, he would be the first to be eaten. Edmund complained but no one cared very much."