Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Beautiful People

I figure People magazine does their list of beautiful people. Whenever I run out of blog ideas, I can just list one of my favorite beautiful people. It's a way for me to talk about myself without feeling too much like I'm talking about myself. There's usually a certain amount of psychology behind my attraction to someone.

It might also tell you what I've been up to lately. I got the first two seasons of Bones from the library and I've been watching them a lot. Hodgins is actually a large part of the reason I watch Bones at all. He is definitely the only reason I started watching. I love forensic shows, but when I was first told about Bones I couldn't disassociate David Boreanaz from the character of Angel. But my roommate from grad school was watching it, and I saw Hodgins and fell in love with the character. He's smart and nerdy which is almost a prerequisite for me to like someone. He's a bit shorter than I go for these days but in high school, my ex-boyfriend aside, I had a real thing for shorter guys. No idea why. Maybe it's just because most the guys were shorter than me at the time. Still, it may just be a throwback from my high school self that I find his height that much more endearing. Also, he may actually be the same height as me or even marginally taller. The other actors and actresses he works with could simply be tall. Plus, the character of Angela says she's 5'8" and Hodgins is said to be slightly shorter but sometimes they look the same. I'm 5'7" so he could be a whole inch taller.

Anyway...I better stop before this sounds too stalkery. Suffice to say, I think Hodgins is hot.

1 comment:

Deja said...

I have the same problem with Angel. I also find it weird to see him cuddling Bones. If I ignore all that though it's a pretty good show.

If you want to see something silly I put on YouTube search for librebel. :)