Friday, December 25, 2009

Seasons Greetings

This is what California looks like in winter. I don't have any grand reflections on the holiday other than I will be relaxing. I downloaded an Age of Empires III trial version and have been consistently thomped by the Germans. For Christmas Eve, my mom cooked us a lovely pumpkin soup and figgy pudding (of "give us some figgy pudding" fame). After that I got absorbed with that game and forgot about posting entirely.

There's also been a new punishment rule created but only my sister really knew about it because no one else ever seems to notice. But I guess I'll let you all in on it now.

Here's the deal: If I realize I haven't posted before someone else, then any reader has until I actually post to tell me (an email or comment timestamped before my post will do). If they don't tell me by the time I post, then I don't have to bake a pie. But there will still be retribution...

That's right, I even still get punished, but I choose how. This is generally in the form of buying my sister a treat of some kind. Unless one of you wants to think of something else for me to do that might benefit someone other than my sister. But I'm sure she won't mind if you don't.

All right, time to go tell my sister she's earned a treat.

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