Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Reason I'm An Insomniac

I do stupid things. Like rather than go to sleep, I decided to continue to try my luck at the trial version of Age of Empires III. Nevermind that I lost the first, second, and hundreth time I played. My competitive nature would not let me quit even when I began to suspect that winning might well be impossible. Historical fact was already against me since the game only lets you play as the Iroquois. But I persevered. Nevermind I can barely type right now because only the zombie part of my brain is still awake and zombie can only fight fake wars with Germans. Zombie cannot type.

Nevermind all of that. Because I WON! That's right! I saved America from the early settlers. See to little red guy on the ground mortally wounded? Yeah, that's their leader. The Iroquois PWNED those Germans. (Which, by the way, I remember Spanish, English, and French settlers but Germans? I guess it makes sense, but I just don't remember them in history.)

In my defense, though, I only spent all morning on this. I spent Christmas day with my family. I was determined to not even log onto the internet (I made my post shortly after midnight on Christmas eve, but that's hardly Christmas day). So I did play a little Age of Empires between Scrabble turns and my sister made me log on to check for a word. But, otherwise, I spent time talking and playing games with my family which, despite the disturbing bent of this post, convinced me that I really ought to spend time with my family and away from the computer more often.

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