Monday, July 12, 2010

Bath Computer

It used to be there was nothing I liked more than a nice relaxing soak in the tub. But now my brain always feels like it needs to move faster than that. I won't blame computers. I love computers. I also don't necessarily think it's a bad thing that my brain now desires a faster rate of knowledge acquisition. Our world is just more interactive now. Yes, I can still read in the tub and I do but if there's something I'm curious about, like Walpurgis Night, I like to be able to look that up. I was recently watching a movie with a friend who thankfully took pity on my desire to look up some of the actors on IMDB. True, I also used to have an impeccable memory for actor faces. But why do I need that info cluttering my brain? Is it really so bad that that space can now be devoted to something else? And while looking up actors be unnecessary, learning about something isn't. Plus, internet users often seem to have a knee jerk reaction to fact verification. That's right, verifying stuff! People actually want to do that. Yes, there's still the issue of information literacy and making sure the websites they use are accurate. But just having culture of people who want and can access information seems like a good thing. On the other hand, as this ramble shows, it's also something that I feel often needs to be defended from accusations of making us all into drooling idiots with a five second attention span an the inability to remember a simple phone number.

Anyway, all this means I wish I had a computer I could take into the bath with me so my body could enjoy a good soak while my mind just kept on running.

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