Saturday, July 17, 2010

Despicable Me Mini Review and A for Effort

My sister and I saw Despicable Me and I thought it was cute but nothing fantastic UNTIL the end credits. This movie is worth the money just for the end credits alone. Ever since the 3D craze hit I've been complaining that none of the 3D pops out of the screen anymore. I don't care if they think depth is more "artsy." I want stuff flying in my face! And Despicable Me delivered--just not until the end credits.

I also didn't have the most spectacular start to working on my writing again but I get an A for effort because I went all the way back to my house from the movie theater to get my computer. We live quite close and our movie didn't start for an hour and a half and I hadn't done any writing so I felt I needed to do something. So I got a little bit of editing in before the film but hopefully today will be better.

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