Friday, January 28, 2011

Review Friday


Astrid is mostly concerned with fitting in, going to prom, and keeping her unicorn crazy mother from ruining her life until the impossible happens: a unicorn almost kills her boyfriend, and Astrid discovers a reemergence of these dangerous beasts means she must return to her ancestral roots as a unicorn hunter.


It's certainly a fast-paced book which is both dark and funny. Despite the subject matter of unicorns in modern times, I felt it was balanced enough with science and realistic character interaction to suspend our disbelief.

I have been hesitant to read the sequel: Ascendant, but not because I'm not curious what happens. It's mostly that the dark tone of the books take a certain mood for me to be able to read and I'm not personally in that mood.

7/10 stars * * * * * * * --A fast exciting read,, though I wish they had gone more into the themes introduced like medical ethics and whether it's right to kill the unicorns for trying to survive.

Book Club (Spoilers)

I thought Astrid's interest in the medical possibilities of the remedy, Phil's thoughts on how unicorns work as a species, and the pharmecutical company's involvement to be the most grounding elements of the story.

I also just liked the romance between Astrid and Giovanni. It was a well-done, feel-good, girl-power romance. Girl power in the sense that the romance didn't define Astrid, even when she wanted to renounce everything for it, the author does a good job of making many other aspects of Astrid's life more important.

However, it did bother me that, as smart as Astrid was, she didn't figure out that her ex-boyfriend didn't run away. She told creepy pharmaceuticals guy who he was and that he was the last one to have the remedy. If they didn't kidnap him and cut him open, then they did something even worse. Plus, how could anyone trust a pharmaceutical company with the possibility of finding a cure for all illnesses?

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