Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Little Miss Sunshine: Film Review



I know I'm several years late on watching this movie but here goes. I loved it. Mostly I just wanted to watch a movie that was different from what I normally watch. Not only did it fulfill my need for something different, but it was also an excellent study in character development. When I listened to the film commentary, they said it was hard to explain to people why they should see the film because the characters were the most interesting part while the plot wasn't. I agree. Although, I did really like the fact that it wasn't really about the beauty pageant in the end but rather the development of the family dynamic.

Steve Carell and Abigail Breslin are hands down the best performances. It doesn't hurt that I have a soft spot for Carell as a Denison alum, but I really did think this is easily one of his best roles. Breslin didn't have any over-exaggeration in her role that I normally see in child acting. When she was excited, it was so absolutely genuine, yet I feel she must have been playing a character very different from herself because it's also generally easy to spot if children are playing themselves because they're simply being but not projecting the character. I may be dissolving into incoherency, but even while the performance was so believable, I also feel that a performance of that complexity could not have simply come from accident.

Favorite Scenes:

I love the scene in the beginning where the word "Sunshine" is transposed over Steve Carell's depressed face.

I love Breslin hopping up and down as she listens to the answering machine. It's such a happy scene and she does it so well. I actually wondered if they had a trampoline under her as the hopping was so impressive.

8 /10 Stars * * * * * * * *


The grandfather was the hardest character for me to feel sympathetic towards but I loved how the family came together over his death. I was actually talking to the screen, telling them to steal the body!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Cafe Rolle: Review

It occurs to me this may not be a particularly helpful review to any of my normal blog readers, as I don't think any of them live in this area. All the same, my friend had the idea to sample all the highest reviewed sandwich places in the area. We started at Cafe Rolle, a French deli. I had a chicken pâté and goat cheese sandwich and it was delicious. I love pâté but find most of it to be a little heavy if I eat too much. Cafe Rolle's chicken pâté, on the contrary, was a nice, light flavor. We also talked about the bread which was an excellent complement to the stronger sandwich flavor but I've begun to formulate a theory that the reason I have trouble finding the French bread I loved in France is there are probably French bread for sandwiches and French breads just for eating without anything (the latter being what I miss). This was very much a sandwich bread. I followed with an order of crème brûlée. I'm not sure I've ever had crème brûlée before, so I couldn't compare it to others, but I certainly enjoyed it, particularly the crispy top. I was surprised at how cool the rest of the custard was since, with the way the caramel was stuck, I could tell they had actually flambéed the top instead of just putting burnt caramel on top.

I also just learned that not all pâté is liver and had to apologize to my friend as I seem to have disturbed her by leading her to believe she was eating a liver sandwhich. But I watched the owner make the chicken pâté on his website and it was just ground chicken breast mixed with egg and goat cheese and various herbs.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Goin' To A Party

I'm going to my friend Kara's for a party and I'm not sure I'll be back in time to blog properly. But I can at least say I finally did some editing last night. Last time I checked in I had: 206,109 words and now I have 203,308 words. I know I didn't do all of that last night so I guess I haven't been a total slacker but I still need to pick up my game.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides
Film Review



For a movie with 4 in the title, it was actually pretty good, which isn't to say ground-shaking, but it was a lot better than I expected. Although, one should keep in mind I've never been a huge fan of the franchise. I don't hate the movies but they're nowhere on a list of my favorites. Mostly I only watch them to see Johnny Depp dance around in a pirate outfit and see special effects. This movie delivers very well on those two, so I had nothing to complain of. The story was good in that it was easy to follow, made sense with the characters, and allowed Johnny Depp to dance around in a pirate costume. To be honest, I liked the story better than a few of the others in the series because I felt like they weren't trying to do too much or be too weird or abstract. On a random note, I was a bit surprised that Amanda Seyfried agreed to such a bit role in the movie.

7 / 10 stars * * * * * * * A good enough distraction.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Jean Valjean Was Born This Way

Wow, remembering to blog daily is going to take some getting used to again. Or just telling my sister so I'll owe her a ton of treats if I don't. That might help me remember. Anyway, here's a quick links post. More substantial ones to come.

Best interview EVER!

This song never fails to make me happy:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dark Places: Book Review

BLOG NOTE: I've decided to start to blog again daily because I have the time again. But I'm thinking of changing the structure a bit. More on that when I work it out.

Libby Day's entire family was butchered when she was only seven years, old and the one locked away for their murders was her brother. But now that Libby's an adult, a club investigating her family's murders makes her doubt everything that she's ever believed.

Overview (No Spoilers)
The characters are hard to like, which is usually a turn off for me, but there were enough bits of sad and recognizable humanity in Libby to keep me going. I felt bad for her mother and didn't care at all for her brother or his friends as characters. For a murder mystery, the imagery was very well done. I'm not used to mysteries being particularly artsy in their descriptions. At the same time, I felt the plot, structure, and pacing, were all complex enough where I was compelled to keep reading but couldn't predict the end.

Book Club (Spoilers)
We talked about this book in my actual book club and a lot of people did not like the end of the book. They seemed to feel it stretched the credibility of how much Libby could change. But I didn't feel as if she was that changed at the end. She indicates that Diane had always forgiven her before. With such certainty and the fact that she's all Diane has left, I actually thought it was surprising that Diane didn't forgive her earlier and began to wonder if she might be dead. Also, while didn't care for Ben and I think he was pretty guilty for allowing his girlfriend to murder at least one of his sisters, I was less annoyed with him as an adult and could understand perfectly well why he would feel honorbound to keep the secret to protect Diondra and his child. Although, I did hate Diondra and I'm surprised her baby wasn't born malformed with all her drug use.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Conspirator: Film Review



I found it interesting that the movie was about due process of the law and not necessarily innocence or guilt. Obviously, they lean toward one assumption but the point is that the method of the trial is wrong. I wanted to find out more about the lawyer Frederick Aiken, afterwards, but I think it would take a bit more in depth historical research than I'm used to doing.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Last Week In Cherie News

My novel got rejected by Jennifer Jackson at the Donald Maass Literary Agency, but I will have an interview for one of the library positions I applied for, so that's good. I'm used to rejections from literary agencies; I pretty much expect them. But sometimes I wonder if it says something that I get them so quickly... A lot of people complain about having to wait too long but they seem to decide quite quickly they don't want me. Oh well. I know my books at a marketing disadvantage, so it's not exactly a surprise.

I also saw Thor with my sister on Friday and enjoyed. I liked that Loki was a complex character and, even though I'm pretty sure it's not what the writer's intended, I can imagine that everything was all part of Loki's plan. Loki also looks good in a suit. Thor was exactly the sort of stupid jock character I expected and the romance just never sparked, there was no chemistry between the actors, but even if there had been, not enough scenes were written in to make me believe they were in love. Thor's friends also seemed a bit flat as characters. But overall I enjoyed the story (since they had a fair amount of Loki) and Heimdall was a great character as well even tough he didn't have a lot of lines, the scenes and lines he did have did a good job of establishing his character.

Monday, May 02, 2011

In Cherie News...

Who cares that Osama Bin Laden was killed or that At&t has started capping its Internet services. I know you all care more about what's going on in my life, right? Okay, I admit I kinda care about the At&t thing because that's the provider my family uses. I wish I could care more about the Bin Laden thing, but I'm too practical to think it fixes much of anything or that someone couldn't try to take over for him. I don't really have a problem with other people celebrating homicidal crazy dude's death, but I just can't get excited about it myself. It doesn't take back 10 years of war, it won't magically fix all the problems in Afghanistan or the Middle East, and it doesn't change the fact that there are still plenty of scary people who hate us.

Anyway, enough of depressing news and onto what really matters. Me.

So I forgot to say in my last (possibly overly introspective and moody post) that I got a part-time shelving job at the library where I volunteer. It's not much, but better than nothing while I look for a real library job, and all the staff are really supportive of my job search, which is the best thing I could ask for in a part-time position. Okay, I could maybe ask for more money, but support is nice.

I applied to several open positions in the local area and I'm still waiting to hear back on two youth positions and two library associate positions.

Also, on April 30th, I sent a query for my novel to the Donald Maass, Literary Agency, specifically Jennifer Jackson who handles fantasy novels.