Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Diary Tuesday
It's Not Beginning to Feel Anything Like Christmas

I can't really remember the last time I had a proper Christmas with all the decorations and feelings of anticipation. It makes sense that those feelings would mellow as the years go on, specifically in a family that doesn't really do presents. But I used to still love the season regardless. Now days it just seems to pass me by. It doesn't help that the closest it gets to winter chill in California is a gross drizzly day like today. I did have a nice cup of peppermint tea upon arriving home, which does summon some good memories of childhood. But I still don't feel like this time of year is different than any other.

It's not that I really miss Christmas. It's more that I miss, missing Christmas. I miss how important it would have once been to me to decorate and celebrate. This feeling of sameness when so many other people feel different, is worse than encountering any Christmas Scrooge.

1 comment:

Deja said...

Been feeling the exact same way myself. My boss took the month off to go visit his relatives in China and I'm getting 40 hours a week but the past few weeks have been full of challenges, cars breaking, power going out for a day, etc. So, I don't feel the holiday at all. I wanted to make people presents (especially people's children) but I'm far too behind for that to work out. So, my big holiday thing this year was to make holiday postcards of my own design. (Send me an address on FB and I'll mail you one.) I have bought a few presents for a few people I regularly exchange with, but most of my friends know how sporadic I am about finishing craft projects and they're okay with getting random surprises whenever I'm done making them something special. Plus, Dan learned this year that he was given up for adoption the day after Christmas (his Mom kept him for a little over a week) so I feel doubly bad celebrating when he's feeling so terrible.
But I love Christmas and up here we need holidays to motivate us to struggle through the winter, so I've been listening to Christmas music (not the cheesy kind) and having a little fun on the sly.