Friday, December 29, 2006

Now for the Other Boy...

Typical me not to really talk about my Christmas but it was just good in its simplicity which makes for very little of interest. My sister flew in Christmas Eve and that was really the only present I needed to be happy. Though the Christmas money and early present of a digital camera from my Dad are certainly greatly appreciated. On Christmas my little brother Curtis got a lovely model VW van from Santa and my brother Dennis got a stuffed polar bear. I may have slept through the happy discovery of these gifts but I stayed up as long as Santa and thus was quite tired. Once I did get out of bed, my dad, my sister, little brother Dennis, and I went to the beach and watched the surfers and then hung out in a park.

Now onto some, hopefully, more interesting reflections. Famous people. Many people like to entertain the thought of meeting famous people but mostly I shy away from the idea. This is due to three fears: (1) They will not like me. (2) I will not like them. (3) Both. Then there's also the problem that I'd have no idea what to say and probably end up mummbling something stupid and shuffling off. So it is that I'm perfectly happy to go without meeting any of my favorite authors. I feel I enjoy their books far more if I don't consider what kind of people they are. This isn't to say I think they're bad people, but rather that I have developed a very peculiar personality over time that does not necessarily mesh with everyone.

There is one exception. Not in the sense that I would seek to meet this person as I once had a possible chance and passed it up with very little regret, but if I had to meet a celebrity, (I know such terrible decisions happen everyday) then I would probably like to meet Daniel Radcliffe, the boy who plays Harry Potter. Now, this isn't because I find him attractive. Certainly he is attractive, but I am far more attracted to many other celebrities. I would be happy to meet Daniel because he's so charismatic and seems like the type of person who could put anyone at ease and is genuinely interested in what others think: traits I look for in anyone. As an avid Harry Potter fan I've watched many interviews with Dan and am always impressed by his optimism and energy. Think me a hopeless fangirl if you'd like, but I'll protest all the way.

So to counter the picture of Draco, here we have Harry:

By the way, for any of you who don't already know, the title of book 7 is now out. But I won't spoil it for you if you'd rather not know it. You can easily look it up on the internet if you do want to know it.

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