Sunday, December 17, 2006

Santa's Bag...

Well, I'm in San Diego now on winter vacation, and for those of you who were in touch with me during exams week, you know this break could not have come too soon. Anyway, I'm certainly enjoying the rest. I took my little brothers to the mall today. They looked at toys for ten minutes and then got bored. Go figure. So I got home in plenty of time to ride my bike (yay!) and then color some of a Christmas card before I too got bored (must be a genetic trait.)

Last night I asked my little brothers what they want for Christmas. My little brother Curtis wants a Voltswagon van. Not a toy one but a real one. The kind hippies used to paint flowers on. It's kinda a shame because my dad actually had one when I was a kid. It was brown and didn't have any flowers and he sold it some time ago. Somehow Curtis found out about it and has since become strangely obsessed. I tried explaining to him that a van wouldn't fit in Santa's bag and that Santa's elves can't make one anyway, but he's quite persistent. Meanwhile, my other little brother, Dennis would like a polar bear.

I think Santa's bag may have a white bear for Dennis (polar bear-esque if he can wrangle it) but for Curtis there may be some monetary amount with a note suggesting that he start saving...

Happy Holidays to All!

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