Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Saddest Thing in the World and the Sins of George Lucas...

For this post these two things are not one in the same. But they easily could be...

Anyway, the sad fact I learned today is that bunnies can get syphilis. Considering the sexual habits of bunnies this has got to be one of the saddest things I've ever heard. It also brings to mind certain questions like "What happens when a bunny goes crazy?" and "If one bunny can get syphilis, how come all bunnies do not now have syphilis?" I am informed that this is not the type of syphilis transferable to humans. But I would still not recommend having intercourse with a rabbit.

As for the sins of George Lucas...oh, where to start... Well, he's released the "1977" version of his films on DVD. This "original" version contains ALL of the revisions he's made from the computer generation of 1997 to the blasphemous edition of Hayden Christensen to return of the Jedi. Basically, it's the Special Editions with the word "original" written on them. George, you've done some pretty low things, but I think this has got to be the lowest. I mean, the prequels may have been bad but at least they were new. Now you're just trying to trick fans into buying the Special Edition AGAIN by telling them it's the "original." And if you cannot believe on my word alone that such an atrocity is even possible (and it's so incredibly bad that I'd understand if you didn't want to believe it), here's the Amazon review confirming the sadness of it all.

George = the Emperor in flannel

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