Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Fun Questions...

While doing the graduate application for McGill University I came across the question: "Language spoken most frequently at your permanent address?" Well, it's a good thing I'm using my Tennessee address, because if I used my Dad's address, I'd feel torn between admitting that Taiwanese is the language must frequently spoken at my Dad's address and the fact that this does not in any way accurately represent my own languge abilities at all as no Taiwanese is spoken to me.


Anonymous said...

I would just lie. Make up a complex-sounding language with a lot of consonants and barely any vowels and put it down. They'll think of you as an investment in future foreign affairs, or something.

I know I always lie my way through applications. I mean.... I "never" lie on anything, but yeah... you know.

Cherie said...

I'm so bad at accents that I don't think I could even do a made-up one properly.