Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Like I'm Being Watched...

Seriously, though, it's a good thing.

I just saw that my blog profile has had 32 views. Normally I scoff at such internet related numbers and I've already told you all how I feel about Facebook. But as this particular statistic appeals directly to my ego, I'm quite proud of it. I am vain enough to look at my profile a lot, but I don't think I've looked at it that much. I'm also not sure it even counts me, because I just looked at it again and it didn't go up. If that's the case, the number's even more awesome. I'm flattered people are interested enough in me to look at my profile. Not that I'm not just that super, but I was under the impression that five people tops read my blog, so that's a pretty impressive number all things considered. It could be just other bloggers skimming profiles with similar interests, but that's still good. I don't expect my blog to become wildly popular, I just like to know that someone looks at it.

And I admit that this entry cannot beat monkey socks, which is also another reason I haven't posted in a couple days (that and the mounds of homework). But it's just so awesome to have a picture of monkey socks at the top of my blog that it'll be sad to bump them down. Still, we must all move on in life. My Buddhism class has taught me that all things are impermanent. I also learned that Harrison Ford and Richard Gere are Buddhists. I'll let you decide which of those facts is more enlightening.

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