Monday, September 04, 2006

So it Was Written, So it Was Done

Horray, I actually edited my fantasy novel yesterday! I was also in a relatively positive mood about it. I decided to look at it like a film. (I watch a lot of film commentaries for those of you who don't already know). I am trying to mercilessly cut out everything that does not in some way lead to the climax of my story or relate to my primary plotline. I still have subplots, of course, but they must all trace back to the primary plotline. I have plenty of material; the main problem is sifting through it all. Sometimes I get discouraged at how much I'll have to rewrite or I'll get sidetracked by ideas. Right now I'm just focusing on what needs to be cut and rewritten. I haven't encountered any scene that won't undergo some rewriting, which is what usually makes me gloomy. But once I sift out all the scenes I want to keep, even if I have to rewrite them, that should be a good framework. I hope so anyway.

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