Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Louvie the Loris in his Natural Habitat

For any who doubted that Louvie was a small, tree-dwelling, rain-forest mammal, I present here the photographic evidence. You'll definitely want to click on the image to see the enlarged version. Note the eyes! I apologize for the lighting. My camera is not the best. As a matter of fact, the poor little hamster that lives inside my camera (if you could see my camera you would not doubt that it's operated by a hamster on a wheel) recently got over-heated and repeatedly informed me that he would shut down the camera due to high temperature. As I do not feel that I had been overworking the hamster in any way this annoyed me greatly. I have wanted a better camera for quite some time merely for better image quality. But I've had this one for barely over a year, so I will be quite upset if it breaks. I am also hesitant to buy a new one simply because of this inexplicable error. I bought a new CD player recently because the other one appeared to be breaking, but after the purchase, my old CD player began working perfectly again. I would like another camera, but I do not yet know enough to confidently select a superior model, so I would rather that my current camera remain functional.

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