Saturday, September 02, 2006

Should be Sleeping...

More things that annoy Cherie:
People who do well on tests and then are like "What? It was, like, so easy." They're the bane of test anxiety sufferers everywhere.

AND loud and inconsiderate drunken peers.

Nostalgia: We found one of Ishani's knitting needles in the couch in Gilpatrick. It's a little piece of Ishani who we all miss so much. Though I like to think I miss her the most. What's that? She's got a boyfriend? Bah. We all know she loved me best.

Things I NEED to do: Write in my novel. Or edit a novel. Man! This happens everyday! I put it off until it's too late for me to do anything (despite the fact I'm doing this.) Writing's all I have though. Without it I'm just like everybody else. Slightly worse actually (see above test anxiety) so I need to get with it. Tomorrow. I'm trusting my huge blog audience *hears crickets* to descend upon me if I keep slacking on the one thing that makes me me.

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