Thursday, September 21, 2006


Okay, although I'm not religious, I don't normally take the Lord's name in vain. Probably because I'm not religious so what would be the point anyway? But as my favorite author Terry Pratchett once put it (though slightly differently) "Oh my god I don't believe in" just has less zing.

EENYWAY, I think my departure from normal speech patterns can be justified by the WEIRDNESS that just happened to me. Good weirdness. Awesome weirdness. But weirdness all the same.

Okay, so this guy from my fencing club invited me to watch a movie with him and some friends. I go to see said movie (Robin Hood Men in Tights) and in the middle a girl walks in and starts talking to my fencing buddy. He says, "Oh, this is my girlfriend, Lucy." I greet her and then she looks at me and says. "Cherie?"


Now, at this moment you would have to be me or a family member to guess who this Lucy might be, so I have to add back story which makes this universe has-socked-you-in-the-face moment so much less shocking than it deserves to be, but oh well.

When I was a kid I had a friend named Kyle. He was my best friend being one of the few kids my age within walking distance. (My mom would not let me cross the street unassisted until I was 8.) Kyle had a little sister. Now, at the time, I admit I was closer with Kyle because his younger sister was younger than me and five to eight year olds can be quite elitist. However, towards the end of our friendship I hung out with Kyle's little sister a lot more and when they moved away she was the only one who wrote to me. Which is how Kyle incited my eternal wrath, but his sister was much elevated in my opinion as being thus the best friend of the two.

Sadly, after a year or so of letters, we lost touch.


Fast forward like 13 years and picture me sitting in the Morrow House lounge staring at the girl across from me with my jaw unhinged, desperately trying to make the synapses in my brain connect with what I'm hearing.

Now anyone with any understanding of narrative has probably already guessed what's about to happen. So I shall only confirm that, yes, the Lucy that I met today was my long lost sandbox buddy and next door neighbor who is now attending my university.

I still have so much homework to do but I can now neither concentrate nor sleep because I can barely believe I'm awake.

...I don't suppose my old elementry school sweetheart will be next? Kenneth, you out there? Call me. No? Well, can't have it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heya, sounds pretty spooky! However, U had a similar experience. Hope things are going well. Can't wait to see you soon!