Wednesday, March 03, 2010

C is for Cookie...

Becky left this comment concerning the Caramel DeLites:

Eh? They are called "Caramel DeLites" in your neck of the woods? I do not approve.

So I looked it up and found this interesting blog post on the subject. Basically, it seems that, though they're both the same girl scout cookies, they're produced by two different companies.

I admit that I didn't actually notice the two different names until Becky pointed it out. I don't think I even had a girl scout cookie until I was 16 years old. Caramel DeLite isn't my favorite name because I dislike most things that don't spell properly. But, otherwise, I agree with the Cookie Monster philosophy of the title "C is for cookie, that's good enough for me." To me this expresses the universal truth: A cookie by any other name would taste as sweet.

Of course, there's not really anything wrong with being annoyed by the different name. I believe that sandwiches taste different depending on how you cut them, and cupcakes taste different than cake. That's a rather small step from caring what my food is called.

On a side note, my sister has also pointed out to me that coconut is not a fruit. I say people always mix coconut with fruits like pineapple so it's clearly tainted by association.

I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on the cookie names (but not the coconut thing because, clearly, I'm right). Thanks for commenting, Becky! :)

1 comment:

Deja said...

I still maintain that there was one original company in the late 80s that sold their recipes because I can taste the difference in the newer cookies. Now I wish Dad had held onto more records because he was Cookie Mom and would've known where we were sending the money. (I do remember all the charts on exact breakdowns per dollar of how much your troop earned per box and the better rewards like two weeks at camp, which I NEVER earned.)
THANKS SO MUCH for the link though because I've always wanted a recipe for Carmel DeLites and I LOVE them in ice cream.