Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eclipse Trailer

My friends already know what I think of the Twilight series, so I won't go into that here. What I will say is that I am genuinely excited to see this film (meadow scene aside). Of the Twilight books, I think that Eclipse is easily the best. I think this is because I see Twilight as very plot-driven, and the plot in Eclipse has the most momentum. The characters are also very well-established by Eclipse. Several of the secondary characters like Carlisle and Alice were interesting to me from the beginning. But Eclipse is the first book where I actually started to like Edward as a character. I'll never be the swooning fan girl that these books seem to inspire, but I finally related to Edward more in Eclipse. From the trailer it looks like the movie will follow that well. I think the line "In a few decades, everyone you love will be dead" encapsulates the loneliness of eternity and best explains Edward's feelings about it and his reluctance to turn Bella.

My one quibble is, while I love Bryce Dallas Howard as an actress, I hate it when a series changes actors in the middle. It's a shame Summit had that falling out with Rachelle LeFevre.

Still, I'll definitely be seeing it in the theater June 30th if I can.

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