Monday, August 09, 2010

Link is a Lefty!

I was very disappointed, although not surprised to hear, that the new Legend of Zelda game, Skyward Sword will not feature a left-handed option. Honestly, I don't usually make a big deal about the world being made for right-handers. I've mostly gotten used to it. Plus I'm ambidextrous. I just happen to favor my left. So if Link had been a right-handed hero, I probably wouldn't have even noticed or cared if there was no left-handed option. But Link was a lefty. One of the few! A hero for all leftys! And they changed him just so right-handed people could feel more comfy.

The petition I found only had a depressing 38 signatures of which I am one. Several hundred less than a petition I found to bring back Squeeze-it juice drinks and not nearly enough to change Nintendo's mind. But if any of you feel like signing it or writing Nintendo a letter, I, and all us other disappointed leftys would really appreciate it.

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