Wednesday, May 28, 2008


WARNING CHRONICLES OF NARNIA SPOILER! If you don't want to be spoiled but must watch my fascinating ramblings, skip over 2:40-2:49.

Friend of the Week: Danny (Nice to hear from you again and of course I remember you and fencing club!) and Dejah (horseradish or sauerkraut?)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Going back to Ann Arbor

It seems like no time at all that I've been here but in several more hours (if all goes well) I'll be on a plane again going back to Ann Arbor. This also means that we've reached the end of my blog everyday challenge. I'll still keep blogging but I can't promise daily updates. But it's been fun and I hope you guys have enjoyed it. Sigh... It's been a lovely vacation and I'll miss my family.

Fact about me: I live too far away from my family and friends.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Death Note

On Wednesday my sister and I went to see a live action film based on the manga Death Note. It was showing in a cinema near my sister's house for two days only since it's a foreign film and I suppose they didn't think they could make enough off it. Or maybe they weren't allowed to show it for longer. Not really sure which. Anyway, I liked the film and was also pleased that it didn't spoil me on the manga since it only went up to events I'd already read about. There's a second one that presumably sumarizes the rest of the story. I'm a bit of a visual effects snob--spoiled by too many mega budget films but the special effects were reasonably decent. American Television quality. But really it doesn't require too many effects. Aside from Ryuk the Shinigami it's just about people (since it doesn't take too much to fake a heart attack--though I think they sometimes overdid the foam capsules). In any event it's the psychological drama that's important to this story and they made sure that stayed center stage, so I was able to ignore the other stuff, and I would recommend this film if you happen to be able to see it and like this sort of thing. My sister's never read the manga and she liked it too, but she appreciates a good plot. I think at least two of the voice actors are the same as in the Anime adaptation which I've seen a little of, so their voices are all right. Although I've always noticed a consistent modulation to dubbed voices, as if they're trying to speak more slowly or clearly than usual. But perhaps that's just in an effort to match to the lips. A few of the voices I found a bit bland, but otherwise the dubbing was fine. At least it was dubbed. I was worried it wouldn't have any translation because no one in the theatre seemed to know if it was dubbed or subbed.

In other news I also finished reading Prince Caspian and stand by my previous statement that the film is better. Edmund and Reepicheep have such better parts and there's far more excitement. I looked up the writers of the screenplay I was so impressed, and it turns out to be a team of three men named: Andrew Adamson, Christopher Markus, and Stephen McFeely. I'm honoring them here since I think they did a far better job than C.S. Lewis. Markus and McFeely haven't written much but Adamson was involved in writing Shrek 2 and 3. I didn't mind Shrek but I think Caspian is a far better literary feat so this came as something of a surprise. However, it does explain certain similarities between Reepicheep and Puss in Boots. But for anyone concerned about that, I didn't think the similarity was too great and Reepicheep would definitely still pwn Puss (the one in the film anyway).

Also, I recently learned a friend of mine in France actually had his Fantasy book published! Here's a link. You won't be able to read it unless you read French, but you can admire the cover.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Punishment #1 Eat Spoonful of Relish

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


In Cherie news, yesterday I got a fortune cookie that said: "Soon you will be sitting on top of the world" which is strange because I wasn't planning any expeditions to the North Pole.

I've also noticed that my spoilers version of my Prince Caspian review has been viewed more times than the non-spoilers one which I find both surprising and a little disappointing since I spent more time editing the non-spoilers one assuming that more people would watch that one instead.

Fact of the Day: I like to read the manga Death Note but feel no affection for any of the characters.

Hmm, I was also reading back and I did say I was committed to doing all the punishments should I fail to post so I'll guess I'll just do that and have done with rather than waiting for you guys to vote. Of course, I never said how long it would take me, and some I think might be better for my to do in Ann Arbor so I'll let you know as I get them done.

Friend of the Week: Becky

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Song of the Lioness WITH SPOILERS

I FINALLY finished editing these.

This was one big review of the last two books, but it was too long so I just cut it in two but that's why the ending's abrupt on the first one.

And here's the second part on Lioness Rampant

Don't forget to vote for a punishment(s) for me to do!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Prince Caspian Reviews

Here's the no spoilers one:

And here's the WITH spoilers one:

And no one's voted for a punishment yet! I didn't post, people. I need to be punished. You can pick your own, one, two, or all of the punishments just vote and I'll do it!

I'll summarize the punishments here for those who don't remember: one requires me to go somewhere I've never been, another requires me to interview a person I don't know well, another requires me to invite someone to spend time with me, my sister's is to read a chapter of Godel, Esher, Bach, and the last requires me to eat a spoonful of relish.

If no one votes before the end of vacation, I'll just do my sister's. Remember, you can vote for all of them but you have to provide another for me to do if you vote before the end of vacation.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

In Production

I'm making several video blogs right now so that's my news. Two are Prince Caspian Reviews (non-spoilers and spoiler) and one is the last Alanna review with spoilers.

I'll post them here when I'm done but just in case I don't finish in time the above is a picture I took on my hike at Auburn.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Too Much

Several mile hike in blistering heat after two days of not much sleep and too much bike riding = unhappy Cherie. I'm not up to much right now so there's my news.

Fact about me: I dislocated the elbow on my right arm several times as a child.

Punishment voting is still open because Brian did not vote for a punishment. (By the way, you can vote even if you didn't think up the punishments. Just look back at the ones given and pick one you like.)

Friend of the Week: Brian (sorry the Caspian review will have to wait for tomorrow)

Guess what I did today. I toured the Lincoln Public Library and I saw Prince Caspian (excellent film which I'll discuss later) and I rode ten miles on my bike in total. Guess what I forgot to do.

That's right, I forgot to post.

Since I didn't actually think this would happen I didn't really consider the logistics of it an realized that I still have a week left of vacation and so, if I do all the punishments, then what happens if I forget to post again?

So, the first person to notice an comment here that I forgot to post, I will do whatever punishment that person decides. So you have until someone comments or until the end of my vacation to vote on my punishment, whichever comes first. You can vote for all the punishments or a combination. I want to be a good sport about this. However, if you do vote for all before the end of my vacation, you have to provide ONE (but only one) replacement punishment just in case I slip up again.

Fact about me: I like to watch film commentaries because I feel it helps me write and analyze stories.

Don't forget, first person to vote gets to punish Cherie.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Final Two Song of the Lioness Book Reviews

A review on the last two books of the Song of the Lioness Quartet (The Woman Who Rides Like a Man and Lioness Rampant) by Tamora Pierce. It's also no spoilers for these two books but I do make a very vague reference to something in the second book that I was too lazy to edit out, so if you'd rather not know something vague about Alanna's romantic interactions in the second book, (and I don't say who with) then I guess you'll have to skip this vid. But there are no spoilers for the books I actually talk about.

And there WILL be another video WITH spoilers like I did last time. I actually made it today but haven't had time to edit (and I know some of you are thinking "Cherie, you edit these? Why aren't they better?" That's because I'm not good at editing and it generally just consists of chopping bits off but still takes me longer than simply writing a book review so honestly if you guys don't like these please tell me because it's an awful lot of time to spend on something if no one likes it.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Who Rated My Videos?

A few of my videos have been rated but it's a mystery to me as to who dunnit (YouTube doesn't tell us). I was wondering if it was any of you. I'd be quite pleased if it were as most of the rated ones are highly rated but I wouldn't mind if it was people I didn't know either. Mostly I'm just curious.

Also I finished reading both The Woman Who Rides Like a Man and Lioness Rampant today, but since I clearly already spent so much time on those books today, I think I'll wait to vlog review them tomorrow and I may just mash them together so I have less reviews to do. They're pretty short books anyway and the stories relate quite closely.

And now for a cover contest!

Here's the cover of the paperback I read and probably the original cover of the book in the 1980s:

And here's the new cover:


So fact about me for the day is that me and my sister both think new childrens and young adult books have far better covers now than they did when we were kids!

Friends of the Week: Sarah and Brian

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

In The Hand of the Goddess Book Review WITH Spoilers

This is where I talk about what I thought of specific parts of the book.

NOTE: At one point I say "he has this god inside her" but totally meant to say "he has a god inside *him*" That's a prime example of a Freudian slip.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, I'm sorry for anyone in suspense for the next Alanna vid *crickets chirp*. But my sister got a Wii just the other day so we've been having fun with that. That's my big news.

Fact about me for the day: I PWN with Link at Mario Smash Brothers Brawl.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

In the Hand of the Goddess: Book Review

This is the NO spoilers version. The with spoilers version will be next but I haven't uploaded (or made) it yet so don't go searching for it until I say it's up. Sorry if this leaves some of you in suspense.

Friends of the Week:
Dejah and Tim

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Alanna the First Adventure: 1st Vlog Book Review

This is not the book I mentioned yesterday but rather the first in the series and I actually made this video a while ago

Tell me what you guys think. Do you prefer the book reviews I write or the book reviews I speak? I could probably do a better spoken book review. (Sigh...I had to mention nakedness). But I don't know what you guys will think so let me know.

Here's the comment I wrote in the YouTube box in case you're not the type to read YouTube boxes:

If you are like my sister and misunderstand my initial comment about nakedness do not simply stop in disgust but continue until I explain (or if you're really sick of listening I explain what I meant at 3:16)

And if you don't even want to listen to that then I'll clarify here. When I say I like nakedness, I am referring to boys in the book who are of adult age. I didn't add this with the Prince swimming but he is also older.

Friday, May 09, 2008

I Can't Believe I Almost Forgot!

I actually almost forgot to post in my blog today because I spent the better part of my day reading the book above. A better review to come later because I only got on the computer to write in my novel. The only other Cherie news for today is I went for a bike ride with my sister on the roads in order to practice traffic law.

Fact about me, er...I really need to be writing in my novel? Okay, I can do better than that, ummm...oh, I know, my favorite kind of roses are ones that smell a little like wild rasberries (usually the more wild kind).

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Back to the Rice Paddies?

It cracks me up that my Dad seriously has one of these hats so I took some Asian "American Gothic" sort of pictures with it. I know I'm not actually in an American gothic pose but I'm just thinking of the whole not smiling thing. Right now though I'm at my sister's house. I just arrived last night and my trip wasn't too bad as these things generally go although I'll probably never understand why I need to get to Sacramento via Las Vegas.... Ah, planes today. Also on the train to the airport a man read the baseball cap I was wearing and noticed it said US Olympic team and asked if that was me. I admitted that it most certainly was not but it's nice to know that my lazy self could maskerade as an Olympic athelete.

I made another vlog today but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it up today as it will probably take some editing.

Anyway, that's all for now.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Too Many Bags!

This sculpture that I took a picture of at the Sacramento Airport today is presumably where bags go when they die.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Technical Difficulties and More Thoughts on Mammary Glands

I think I definitely need the kitty in the previous blog post because the video I made yesterday WOULD NOT UPLOAD! Argh! First I had to edit it which meant I had to get my sister to download the editing software. Then I'm just bad at editing so that took a while. Then I tried three times to download it and something happened each time with my father's internet finally breaking down entirely!

It's uploading now but we'll see if it actually works this time.

Also after some thought I've decided why "nice rack" is not the best compliment even if (as in my case) it is true. This is because a girl likes to know she is worthwhile for a reason other than simple genetics. This is why a compliment to my writing is much more likely to make me like someone than a compliment to my bust size. Even my hair is better to compliment because it took a lot of patience to growing it and I had some control by choosing not to cut it and find alternatives to keep it from eating passersby whereas my breasts just sort of took care of themselves. The fact that I like compliments on my writing above almost any other compliment can be your fact of the day.


Monday, May 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Hank Green!

(completely random cute picture that I did not create)

It's only 1:43 PM so I haven't actually done much today. I woke up early for me which was like 11:40 AM but I haven't really accomplished much. However, I was correct in my theory that my video response would get the most views. It's had 58 views so far which is far more than the others so clearly video responses are the way to YouTube fame.

I also got my first YouTube comment and it's not from anyone I know. It was also fairly coherent as YouTube comments go. Hooray for NicoleH92Lee!

Then I also got my first questionable comment as well. It was not nearly as questionable as really high profile YouTubers get so clearly I'm not famous enough yet.

It was, simply: "nice rack." Which, while an accurate observation, I am indeed well endowed in the mammary gland department, this is not a compliment that I would recommend to get in my good graces. This can be your fact of the day about me.


I just saw this on the vlogbrothers:

This means that I forgot Hank's Birthday too! And I've been trying to make a birthday video all day but it has truly been an epic into the lands of video editing. I will post it here when it's finally edited and uploaded.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Siege Engines

All right, here's the long awaited video of my little brother's cardboard siege engines. I've also decided that they are not planning to attack the previous castle I showed but are instead planning to attack this fortress:

And here's the footage clearly filmed on location:

Friends of the Week:
Brian and Dejah

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Iron Man and Video Responses

I saw Iron Man with my sister today and thought it was pretty cool, definitely the best movie out at the moment. However, I would have no idea how Iron Man purists would take it. I think I like comic book movies because they condense the very complicated plots of comic books into coherent stand alone stories. Of course, some are better than others but for the most part comic books make good movies and Iron Man only proves this maxim. There's plenty of thrills and explosions but there's also a good solid plot and character development. I could have gone for a bit more romance but I get that it's definitely a "guy" movie. I think Robert Downey Jr. did a great acting job and played an initially obnoxious character in a way that you like him anyway. I think a good part of this is he just says things that most people's internal censors stop them from saying so it's a great vicarious exprience to see someone else express feelings you've always wanted to in a completely unaffected manner.

And then there's just the blowing things up. I've probably never liked explosions so much. If it had just been blowing things up, that would have been boring, but I think they interspersed it with enough humor and heart that I even enjoyed the explosions.

I've also made my first video response to another (much higher profile and far better edited) YouTuber. Here is his video and my response:

My response is about superpowers but I thought afterwards that having writer superpowers to actually be able to finish a good novel without making it 800 pages would also be choice.

Friday, May 02, 2008

More Rocks, Some Actual Content, and April Words

This is probably my least favorite of the videos. It's also the shortest. I realize none of this is a good advertisement to watch it unless you're curious why I like it less than the others. But I figured I might as well put it up since it's the last of the frolicking-in-the-park videos.

Also, clearly I didn't feel like writing anything yesterday (though I went back to add friends of the week if those friends thought I'd shafted them). But I do have breaking news in the world of Cherie. In April I wrote 9792 words which is better than February and March. Overall my story is currently 143,734 words which, for anyone who doesn't know, is INSANE! That's two novels! Except that it's not! AAAHAHHH!! And it's still not finished. HOWEVER, that's not as bad (and hopefully never will be) as my last draft which was 543,741 words which could be 5-9 novels (the average novel being 60,000-100,000 words). This, for me, is the hardest part of writing. Maybe I'm a bit too hung up on it. I've always wished books had their word count in the front so I knew if this was as bad as I think it is. The artist in me says I should go on until it ends naturally. The pragmatist says I should kill all my characters now and cover my losses... I'll probably end up doing something in between. And before anyone suggests it, yes I have considered dividing my book into several books but the current draft doesn't have anywhere I can divide it. I could probably go back and write it so it's two books but that would probably mean adding more storyline to make two coherent pieces.

Well, that's the end of that rant. I've also decided to start listing foods I don't like for possible food punishments and other things to give you all ideas of the type of punishment I was hoping for (i.e. one that would be fun for you to watch but not enriching to me in any way). That's right, I said watch. Any punishment where it's feasible I'll do a video blog. I'll still do the good, self-improving punishments but just to give you guys some other ideas here's my hated food of the week: Cooked tomatoes. I love fresh tomatoes but the cooked ones make me gag. So now you guys have eggplant parmesan and cooked tomatoes. You could also make me eat a spoonful of just about any condiment by itself. That would be pretty gross. (Barring hot sauce cause that probably would make me ill and sour cream because I actually really like sour cream). Also for any food punishment I'll spend at least $10 (since I might need a little more than $5 for the ingredients of eggplant parmesan and I can always use extra food. Even eggplant can be redeemed.) Also foods I don't like will probably be a short list but I'll try to think of other things as well.

I think that creating worse punishments than you guys came up with probably proves that I am, in fact, my own worst enemy.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Utility of Rocks

Friends of the Week: Brian and Mag

Mom of the Week: Mom