Thursday, May 08, 2008

Back to the Rice Paddies?

It cracks me up that my Dad seriously has one of these hats so I took some Asian "American Gothic" sort of pictures with it. I know I'm not actually in an American gothic pose but I'm just thinking of the whole not smiling thing. Right now though I'm at my sister's house. I just arrived last night and my trip wasn't too bad as these things generally go although I'll probably never understand why I need to get to Sacramento via Las Vegas.... Ah, planes today. Also on the train to the airport a man read the baseball cap I was wearing and noticed it said US Olympic team and asked if that was me. I admitted that it most certainly was not but it's nice to know that my lazy self could maskerade as an Olympic athelete.

I made another vlog today but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it up today as it will probably take some editing.

Anyway, that's all for now.

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