Friday, May 23, 2008

Death Note

On Wednesday my sister and I went to see a live action film based on the manga Death Note. It was showing in a cinema near my sister's house for two days only since it's a foreign film and I suppose they didn't think they could make enough off it. Or maybe they weren't allowed to show it for longer. Not really sure which. Anyway, I liked the film and was also pleased that it didn't spoil me on the manga since it only went up to events I'd already read about. There's a second one that presumably sumarizes the rest of the story. I'm a bit of a visual effects snob--spoiled by too many mega budget films but the special effects were reasonably decent. American Television quality. But really it doesn't require too many effects. Aside from Ryuk the Shinigami it's just about people (since it doesn't take too much to fake a heart attack--though I think they sometimes overdid the foam capsules). In any event it's the psychological drama that's important to this story and they made sure that stayed center stage, so I was able to ignore the other stuff, and I would recommend this film if you happen to be able to see it and like this sort of thing. My sister's never read the manga and she liked it too, but she appreciates a good plot. I think at least two of the voice actors are the same as in the Anime adaptation which I've seen a little of, so their voices are all right. Although I've always noticed a consistent modulation to dubbed voices, as if they're trying to speak more slowly or clearly than usual. But perhaps that's just in an effort to match to the lips. A few of the voices I found a bit bland, but otherwise the dubbing was fine. At least it was dubbed. I was worried it wouldn't have any translation because no one in the theatre seemed to know if it was dubbed or subbed.

In other news I also finished reading Prince Caspian and stand by my previous statement that the film is better. Edmund and Reepicheep have such better parts and there's far more excitement. I looked up the writers of the screenplay I was so impressed, and it turns out to be a team of three men named: Andrew Adamson, Christopher Markus, and Stephen McFeely. I'm honoring them here since I think they did a far better job than C.S. Lewis. Markus and McFeely haven't written much but Adamson was involved in writing Shrek 2 and 3. I didn't mind Shrek but I think Caspian is a far better literary feat so this came as something of a surprise. However, it does explain certain similarities between Reepicheep and Puss in Boots. But for anyone concerned about that, I didn't think the similarity was too great and Reepicheep would definitely still pwn Puss (the one in the film anyway).

Also, I recently learned a friend of mine in France actually had his Fantasy book published! Here's a link. You won't be able to read it unless you read French, but you can admire the cover.

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