Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Beautiful Girl

Heretofore my beautiful people list has been all men but there are plenty of beautiful women whose looks I admire. Olivia Wilde, who plays Thirteen on House, is easily the most beautiful woman on television (or Hulu in my case) in my opinion. I think it's her huge bright eyes. I can never quite tell their color, but they're mesmerizing. I know Dr. Cameron was supposed to be hot, but I personally never found her that attractive even before Thirteen came on the show and made all women look like hags by comparison. Usually it's easy to resent girls like that but when even I wouldn't mind looking at her all day, I can hardly judge. She's the perfect female counterpart to Dr. Chase, who is the male version of mind-melting pretty.


Anonymous said...

Why haven't I made the list yet, hmm?

Cherie said...

Um, because I don't know who you are, Anonymous poster?

Although, I'm going to guess you're Sarah, in which case, I'm afraid if I shared your beauty with the world, I'd have to fight more people for your fair hand. Not that I wouldn't win but it would be more bothersome than it already is.