Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Diary Tuesday
Star Trek Exhibit

Last week I saw the Star Trek exhibit at Sacramento's Areospace Museum. We weren't allowed to take pictures, but if you're curious about the kinds of things I saw, you can look here. I think a large part of the reason we weren't allowed to take pictures was because they were charging obscene amounts of money to take pictures for you. There was a recreation of the deck from the original series and I got to sit in Sulu and the Captain's chairs, even if I don't have a $15 picture to prove it. Sulu's was more comfortable. The Captain's chair didn't even swivel! Although, there was a Klingon warship chair that swiveled. I guess the bad guys get all the comfort.

A lot of the props were recreations and not actual props. Probably the most puzzling was the Klingon sash "believed to be" an actual prop. How can you not know? There were several costumes and none of them said they were recreations so we assumed they were the actual costumes. They did look worn in places.

I also really enjoyed the recreation of the transporter set. They had a screen set up so we could see ourselves being transported if someone pressed a button while we stood there. My sister and I rose a simulartor ride where we destroyed some Borg ships and then we toured some of the rest of the Aerospace Museum with the group we went with. All in all a fun afternoon for someone who grew up watching the Next Generation and enjoyed the original movies and the reboot.

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