Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Wildcard Wednesday

Anyone who knows me, knows I hate cooking and generally live off a diet of frozen foods, restaurant food, and other people's food. But I still get a craving for real food from time to time, and I was rather proud of the snack I just created. I wanted some cheese and I wanted something crunchy but didn't feel like crackers because after my fast food lunch, I've probably reached my sodium quota for the week. As a result, the snack seems like it'd be healthy, but more important to me, was it was tasty. Despite sounding like something Ned Flanders would feed his children. So here it is:

Cucumber Crackers and Apple Smoked Gruyère Cheese

Different kinds of cheeses might work, but I can only vouch for the tastiness of the gruyère. Besides, it'll make you feel fancier than cheddar.

Apple Smoked Gruyère Cheese

1. Slice cucumber into cracker-shaped slices. I cut mine into squares but circles, triangles, or dinosaur shapes would probably taste the same. Just so long as it's flat and you can put cheese on top.

2. Slice cheese.

3. Put cheese on top of cucumber slices.

4. Take a picture, because I forgot to and it be cool to have one.

5. Eat

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