Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Diary Tuesday
Disturbed Dreams

So a few nights back I dreamed that the guy from CSI Miami was hunting me and I had to hide behind these trees which were really good cover, so then I guess my subconscious realized that this would be a pretty lame nightmare if I was all safe and secure behind some actually really pretty autumn trees, so then I was transported to a house which are always terrible places to hide, especially in nightmares. So I got outside the house and ended up scaling three barbed wire fences. I actually woke up tired, as if I'd been running.

Then I had another dream that I think contained some problem but all I can remember clearly is a big tower of Christmas cookies, so that was a nightmare fail.

Most recently I had another dream where I had a little girl named Amanda and let a relative named Stacy watch her. But both Stacy and Amanda got kidnapped and I spent the rest of the dream screaming their names and it's probably the only dream where my throat actually hurt.

This is anomalous as I usually don't recall this many of my dreams.

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