Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Diary Tuesday
Energy and Sexy, Sexy Structure

Today I went went out with some girls in my area. We played games, ate lunch at one girl's house, and then saw Morning Glory, which I enjoyed except for the odd part at the beginning where the projection started small and progressively got bigger. But now I'm beginning to think that wasn't part of the movie at all but rather someone just learning to use the projector.

While looking back on some blog posts from my undergrad years, I also realized how much more energy I had back then. I don't think this was just because I was younger, but also because I interacted regularly with the people around me and enjoyed their company. In grad school I was far more isolated, and too busy to work in much social time. Now the trick is meeting people, but I feel like I finally know a pretty decent amount of people for regular activity, so things are definitely looking up.

I also need more structure. In life, just as in other things. The self-imposed structure of this blog has been working out really well for me. At first I thought the restrictions would drive me crazy, but now Wildcard Wednesday is easily the hardest day because I don't know what to expect. I need to keep it though, because there just aren't enough days in the week for all my segments.

What's that? Where's the sexy part? Well, I was just going to write structure in the title, but then I realized how incredibly boring that sounded, so I added the sexy part. I waited until now to tell you, so you'd read this far. Yup. I'm evil.

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