Saturday, November 20, 2010

Review Friday (on Saturday)
Morning Glory



From the trailer I expected a diverting but pretty standard girl-power comedy and that is what I got. I enjoyed it but nothing much seems to have stuck with me other than wondering if the beginning was meant to start small and get bigger or if that was a glitch with the projector.


The angry banter in pleasant voices between Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford was highly amusing. I quite enjoyed Ford's performance as a humorless news curmudgeon. It seemed both similar and yet worlds away from the characters he normally plays. He was clearly a man's man who enjoyed hunting and solitude and had very inflexible values, but he's not the noble hero.

The romance between Rachel McAdams and what's-his-face, however, didn't really do it for me and I can't even recall how it ended or even how the movie in general ended and I just saw it Tuesday. It was happy but forgettable.

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