Friday, August 04, 2006

Things I've Learned Today...

Philip Pullman hates monkeys.

WengoPhone is evil (though my sister insists vehemently otherwise). I don't care if it's open source, I never had this many problems with Skype. I shall advertise Skype now. Everybody go get Skype.

My sister seems to take this as a personal slight. So I want to make it very clear that I love my sister. I hate WengoPhone. My sister is also quite brillant. She just gets these...ideas.... The type of ideas that insist that innovation can't be user friendly.

As for the things I hoped to get done yesterday. I did a little research on Confucius and some editing in my Science Fiction, realized that I could do something really cool--provided I changed the whole course of the story at some point--got depressed at the enormity of the task and the lateness of the hour, did some stretches and went to bed listening to Pullman's The Tiger in the Well, which is how I learned of his aversion to monkeys having already got through the entire His Dark Materials series. One evil monkey is a coincidence. Two suggests a deep psychological fear. Besides, the lengths that he went to portray this animal as a denizen from the deepest depths of some fiery underworld... I mean, he's perfectly free to dislike monkeys. I'm just curious as to his reasons. Anyway, it's probably clear from this that I got addicted to the story and spent my whole day listening to it.

Still working on being useful as a human being.

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