Friday, August 18, 2006

What's the point of Getting Older...

...If I still get acne? Seriously. Am I going to go straight from acne to wrinkles?

However, I will say I like it that now when I go into a grocery store I'm making a conscious decision not to buy alcohol rather than simply not being able to.

And my little brother's Dennis's birthday was actually an hour or so ago but I'll give him a shout out all the same despite the fact that he's only 5, won't read this, and refused to talk to me on the phone when I called. My other little brother, Curtis, also stole the phone the first time I called, made several obnoixous noises, and then left it on top of some radio playing rap music which is, in my opinion, worse than elevator music, so I was forced to hang up, but when I tried to call again it became clear that he had not hung up the phone and that no one had noticed so it was indefinitely busy. Yeah. It's funny when it's not you. It seems I'm doomed to love Curtis as much as I want to strangle him. As for Dennis he's never particularly warmed to me (as evidenced by his refusal to speak with me). What does it mean when the only little brother who loves you appears to be some sort of demon from the netherworld?

I would also like to put out a notice to the black-hearted villain who stole my dish soap. I left you a polite note to return the soap. It has been many days and the soap was not returned. I was forced to buy new soap. I know it's petty. I know it probably wasn't even stolen but more likely innocently removed by a confused member of the cleaning staff unable to concieve of a student who would want to wash dishes. I know it's not that expensive. But I am short-tempered and quick to hold a grudge so by the blood of my forbearers I shall hunt you down.

In all honesty little things like this do make me unreasonably upset. Probably why I was put into anger management at the age of 11. All the same I don't like being angry. I know I should just let it go. But I still find myself coolly considering all the people around me wondering if they're the kind of person to steal dish soap. I hate it! I hate being suspicious of people. I much prefer thinking well of everyone, but how can I trust people who steal something as stupid as dish soap? It's horribly selfish since I put it out for the purpose of letting everyone use it and so they didn't just steal it from me. They didn't even have to steal it!

I know, I know, I need help, whatever. If anger management didn't cure me then, it won't cure me now.

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