Saturday, May 17, 2008


Guess what I did today. I toured the Lincoln Public Library and I saw Prince Caspian (excellent film which I'll discuss later) and I rode ten miles on my bike in total. Guess what I forgot to do.

That's right, I forgot to post.

Since I didn't actually think this would happen I didn't really consider the logistics of it an realized that I still have a week left of vacation and so, if I do all the punishments, then what happens if I forget to post again?

So, the first person to notice an comment here that I forgot to post, I will do whatever punishment that person decides. So you have until someone comments or until the end of my vacation to vote on my punishment, whichever comes first. You can vote for all the punishments or a combination. I want to be a good sport about this. However, if you do vote for all before the end of my vacation, you have to provide ONE (but only one) replacement punishment just in case I slip up again.

Fact about me: I like to watch film commentaries because I feel it helps me write and analyze stories.

Don't forget, first person to vote gets to punish Cherie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! I saw the title of the post, "PUNISHMENT!" and the Narnia poster, and I was afraid your punishment was going to be getting a limb lopped off with a sword, or eaten by a lion, or something like that! Looking forward to the Prince Caspian review!