Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Technical Difficulties and More Thoughts on Mammary Glands

I think I definitely need the kitty in the previous blog post because the video I made yesterday WOULD NOT UPLOAD! Argh! First I had to edit it which meant I had to get my sister to download the editing software. Then I'm just bad at editing so that took a while. Then I tried three times to download it and something happened each time with my father's internet finally breaking down entirely!

It's uploading now but we'll see if it actually works this time.

Also after some thought I've decided why "nice rack" is not the best compliment even if (as in my case) it is true. This is because a girl likes to know she is worthwhile for a reason other than simple genetics. This is why a compliment to my writing is much more likely to make me like someone than a compliment to my bust size. Even my hair is better to compliment because it took a lot of patience to growing it and I had some control by choosing not to cut it and find alternatives to keep it from eating passersby whereas my breasts just sort of took care of themselves. The fact that I like compliments on my writing above almost any other compliment can be your fact of the day.



Anonymous said...

Hey Cherie! Now that I am past the evil week of finals, I am catching up and watching your videos. More specific comments to come later, presumably. Hope your well, watch out for catapults!

Cherie said...

Hooray! Good to hear from you Becky. Glad you're through finals! :) Your last finals of undergrad too isn't that awesome?

I look forward to hearing more from you and I always exercise siege engine safety. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hmm that lawn looks familiar...whenever I get these Lawn Wars with the neighbor finished (with or without a court case) I need to work on mine because we are three short steps away from that, the first being the death of the crabgrass. (You can write for more details about the Lawn Wars, though I cannot guarantee my discussing them without four letter words.)

As for the breasts comment in the other post, does that imply that one should ONLY compliment women whose breasts you suspect they've financed as, like not cutting your hair, they've actually done something to achieve their appearance? If so, I think that's a little wrong because I would much rather see a nice pair of natural breasts than a well done boob job and, yes, I can tell the difference 90% of the time.
(BTW, if you want that to decrease it may be a good idea to wear bras because I swear your nipples are showing in this one. And, no, I was not looking for them until I read the previous post and became consciously primed to look. So, :P)

Cherie said...

While I agree it is better to admire natural beauty over fake beauty (and usually more beautiful in any case) I still think a compliment on something someone can actually control (barring plastic surgery) is a lot nicer. I won't say that it doesn't make me happy to be told I'm pretty if someone does it civilly but it still makes me happier if they admire me for something more substantial.

Tim said...

I don't think the issue is whether or not you worked on something. It think that most girls would be annoyed by the "nice rack" and rather pleased by a guy they like telling them they had really amazing eyes despite having equal control over it.

A compliment is generally meant to make the recipient feel good. I'd suggest that the "nice rack" is not really a compliment at all. I think it's more of an "I'm looking at your chest and you can't stop me. Ha ha."

A good complement can mean "I value you as a person." "Nice rack" means "I look at you as an object."

I think the tone, vocabulary, and situation are probably just as important as the subject matter.

Cherie said...

Being told I have beautiful eyes is very nice. But I've been told that by a guy who apparently wasn't interested in me at all. (Grumble, grumble.) So I still prefer compliments on my writing. But I understand I'm weird that way. And yes everyone likes to think that someone finds them attractive but that's mostly due to instinct and the need to attract a mate. I won't say I'm not prey to the same instinct but I sincerely wish I weren't.