Saturday, June 06, 2009

Angels and Demons and the Mysterious "D"?

I'm going to see Angels and Demons today with my sister, and I hope I have time for a more exciting blog post later but, just in case, I'm posting something now so I don't have to worry about it. The last time I had to do all the punishments was because I saw Prince Caspian and didn't end up getting back until after midnight. Of course, if I'm going to be punished for seeing any movie, Prince Caspian was well worth it. If Angels and Demons is even a quarter as entertaining as Prince Caspian, I'll be well pleased. This time I'll probably get back earlier since my sister and I are heading out earlier, but it seems wise to post beforehand anyway.

In other news I'm finally opening a bottle of maple syrup that's several years old. It's never been opened and is stored in a glass bottle. The research I've done seem to indicate that the worst that could have happened is it's lost its flavor. I'm of the opinion that it's edible until it turns to amber. We shall see...

And one last thing. I have a comment from "D" in my last post. I suspect I know who it is, but I do have more than one friend with a D name, so I would appreciate it if people were more specific. If you'd rather not use your name, than please use initials at least. Otherwise you could be a member of the Illuminati come to get me...

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