Thursday, September 10, 2009

9 : Movie Review

Normally I'm not a fan of the star system for rating anything because I feel everyone assigns different meaning to numbers of stars and I generally err on the side of giving too many stars to anything I don't like. But I think 9 is firmly two stars. Out of ten possible stars. And those two only exist because visually the movie was dark but beautiful. But the story is nowhere near equal to the imagery.

What was the problem? It didn't have a point! You watch it, and think it's working up to a point. But it's not. It's just depressing with a fake light at the end of the tunnel. In the end, everything is the fault of the main character, but they act like that's okay. The characters who are supposed to be closed-minded and "wrong" actually were right all along. Things would have been better if the main character had never met them. Except it's as if the movie doesn't realize this? My recommendation is not to see this movie. Or if you must, wait and see it for free. I was happy to spend time with my sister and out of the house, but otherwise this was not worth the price of admission. The trailer is right when they said "We had such potential, such promise, but we squandered our gifts." That's this movie in a nutshell, potential to be dazzling with it's breathtaking CGI squandered on a lame story.

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