Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Reason I Hate Phones

I'm neurotic. I love talking to people, but phones don't tend to work very well for me. The same dogged persistence that allowed me to write an 800 page novel looks rather insane when calling someone 80 times... But I become increasingly frustrated when I miss people. I tried calling a friend today. The first time I couldn't hear her. The next two times she called the exact same time as me, and Skype won't allow me to answer her and stop calling her at the same time, so neither of those worked.

Then I proceeded to try again several times which will probably mark me as insane.

They do behavioral experiments on rats where they give them a button operated food dispenser and observe what they do. If I were one of those lab rats, I would continue to press the button even after the food stopped coming. I would probably continue to press the button until I died.

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