Sunday, September 06, 2009

Lazy Sunday

I spent most the day reading my book club book, so not much exciting news from me, but it did make me think about how unrealistic I find some aspects of crime drama. In the book I'm reading the investigator tracks down a boy a thirty year old woman got in a fight with when she was a teenager. The boy is otherwise completely unrelated to the case. Of course, it conveniently leads to a possible clue, but it just seems so unlikely that they would follow-up on some school-aged quarrel.

I find the same thing in all the crime shows I enjoy watching. They always seem to have an inordinate amount of time on their hands (unless the plot calls for them not to), and they also seem to have enough money to buy high-tech equipment like flashy holograms for their departments. I guess we know where all the tax money goes in these fictional worlds.

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