Saturday, September 04, 2010

Blog Revisioning

To avoid more posts like the previous one I have thought about ways to make this blog more focused on actual content. I still want to write every day. And I don't like imposing lengths on my writing because that doesn't necessarily make it better. But, from now on, if I am going to tell you about going grocery shopping, it will be to tell you why I think WinCo is a happy place for it is a palace of cheap nourishment, and I am but a supplicant at the doors of its temple of frozen foods. Or if I tell you about a sandwich, it will be to tell you that the taste of the bread transported me to a sun-baked terrace in Italy where grandma grows her own herbs and feeds the bodies and souls of weary travelers. Perhaps these are exaggerations, but I like to think not by much (I do really like WinCo and that bread was tasty). Plus, they're certainly better than what has gone before.

Step Two of improving the blog is to give each day a theme. For novel writing I prefer the open possibility of a blank screen and a world of content. But for a short blog post, I think it might serve me better to write to a prompt. So I will give each day of the week a specific prompt from today to a month from now (October 4th). If I hate it by the end I can go back to writing about anything, or I can change the prompts. We'll see. But, for now, the prompts will be as follows:

Sunday -- Photos: I will post a photo taken by me or featuring me with a caption or essay following.

Monday -- Writing Stats: I'll update you on what I've been doing in my writing, namely how much I've done (either editing or writing), goals, and any thoughts I have on writing.

Tuesday -- Diary: Personal anecdotes, what I did that that day, memories, dreams, thoughts, etc.

Wednesday -- Wildcard: Because I like the sound of Wildcard Wednesday and because I'l like to maintain some spontaneity, this day I can write anything provided it is segment worthy--each post must belong to either one of the other day's prompts or a recurring prompt that I intend to write on again. It cannot just be a post so my sister won't get candy. This I have promised.

Thursday -- Research: I'll do a little research on a topic of interest and write about it.

Friday -- Books and Film: Reviews and general thoughts on books and films that I've read or seen or simply interest me.

Saturday -- Links: I'll post a link or links to things I've found interesting on the internet with an explanation on why I like it or thought it was worth notice.

The weekend days (and possibly Wednesday) are admittedly designed to be a bit easier on me so I can keep up with the other days. But hopefully this will make them all better overall. And if there's a prompt you don't like, you don't have to read my blog on that day. If you don't like any of the prompts, let me know what you do like.

I would also like to note that I can still take days off in the cases where I'm going to actually live life instead of sitting in front of a computer screen (so that I can then sit in front of a screen later to write about it).

Since I'd like to start today, here's a link to the three best Twilight parodies I have seen thus far. One of my friends made a very correct assertion that Twilight, while not great in his estimation, was still better than most the parodies made of it. I hold this is because there is no need to parody Twilight because it's already a parody of itself.

All the same, I am of the opinion that if anyone can do a good Twilight parody, Raving Rabbids can. They are my favorite party games for the Wii even though I don't own any myself.

This second one made me howl with laughter when he twists the other guy's nipples:

This last one was the first ever Twilight parody that I saw, and I was impressed with how like the movie it was (proving once more that Twilight pretty much parodies itself:

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