Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Wildcard Wednesday
Prose Practice

So this was a blog segment that was left on the cutting room floor so I thought I might do it for Wildcard Wednesday. This is just a brief practice of fiction writing. It's not meant to be a story, just a scene or description to get me thinking about writing. The following is inspired by the cat I saw messing with a vole outside my window.

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Aaah! Teeth! I tried to scamper deeper into the bushes but ran into a brick wall. The cat with the bell on his collar watched hungrily, maybe jealously as the black furred monster clawed at the dirt and CHOMP!

I wriggled but that only made him dig in his teeth harder so I went limp. He carried me away holding his stubby black tail high. That tail always bothered me when I'd run away from him before. Had he lost it to a larger cat? I imagined him held in the jaw of a bestial feline exactly like he was holding me now and shivered.

The bell cat followed but my captor didn't believe in sharing. He did, however, believe in playing with his food. He dropped me from his mouth. I knew he was just messing with me but a vole's gotta try, right? I ran.

The cat's claws came at me from both sides as he batted me back and forth, his own personal cat toy. Then I saw my saviors in the form of two little human girls. The tallest sighed, "Mom's not going to be happy if he brings home another one." She chased my pursuer into the tall grass and began to poke him with a stick.

"Leave, him alone, meanie!" cried the shorter girl. I wondered if Meanie was the cat's name. It'd be fitting if it was. The distraction of the girls was all I needed. I darted back into my burrow as the cat glared after me.

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