Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Diary Tuesday

Eating Healthy or Exercise?

I know for most people the two go hand in hand, but I have this problem where I feel weird exercising on days where I've eaten healthy the whole day. I feel like I need something to exercise off. Otherwise, I feel like I'm just forcing my body to cling to fat I consume at other times. Which I think is only actually the case if you're starving, but it's still how I feel if I've eaten chick peas and grapes instead of a burger and fries.

With as much as I've been talking about this sort of thing lately, I just want to dispel any concerns that I might be obsessed. I've never dieted in my life, couldn't tell you the caloric intake of anything, and could care less if you did tell me. This will probably make some people hate me, but it doesn't mean I'm healthy, of which I'm well aware. So while you're hating me for fitting into smaller clothes, just remember I could be just as likely to die of a heart attack. I just happen to inhabit a body that, unless I eat McDonalds every day (ugh...), will probably never appear overweight. Because of this, I spent most my high school years having to assure people that I did not have an eating disorder. Now I'm finally at a normal weight, so it's been many years since anyone's thought that, and I'm happy about that. I have no desire to be as skinny as I once was. But in an effort to become more healthy and get in better physical shape, I would like to exercise more.

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