Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Boris!

I'm posting this before I go to sleep so that I'll have something posted in case I don't get the chance. Nothing interesting is likely to happen to me today. And that's if I'm lucky. But hopefully Boris has a good day. As a birthday gift to him, I've decided NOT to put up any pictures of him without express permission to do so. But this is a picture of his that hopefully he doesn't mind me putting up...

I remember back in high school Boris said he thought I'd be good at blogging. I didn't think he was right and told him so. I may have been right to begin with. That's for all of you to decide. But the fact remains this blog owes its creation to Boris.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Settlers of Catan, what an awesome game.
By the way Cherie, my new email is . I don't know how the whole denison email-forwarding works, but I figure this is a much easier way to continue to get your updates.
Take it easy!