Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Update, Update, UPDATE! Aaaaand, the return of PUNISHMENTS!

The above picture is a dinosaur skeleton replica taken during my layover in Chicago's O'Hare airport
. Later I should make a YouTube video on what I think this skeleton is thinking (yes, skeletons think...)

Cherie News!

Hi, all! Sorry for my long silence. It was a mix of chaotic life and stress, but a few weeks back a friend mentioned to me that she missed my text blogs. I also know I have a whole of two fans of my text blog (at least of my friends). I have one "follower" as well. Unfortunately, I've not updated my blog to allow for followers, because blogger says the update will erase my template, and I've done a few things with it I'd rater not redo. But if this follower outs him/herself to me (the blog won't tell me who is following me until I update) and if they ask nicely, I could update.

Anyway, I am currently back in California after more traveling in the past month than I care to contemplate. But since I'm giving you all updates, I shall. I've gone to California three times this May. Only the last trip this Sunday wasn't a round trip. That equals ten planes in the space of 31 days (two for each journey because nonstop is not for the likes of mere mortals like me). My life began to feel a lot like the movie The Terminal. And, of course, whenever I tell people that, they haven't seen that movie. Seriously, you guys should see it; it's a good movie.

The Return of Punishments!

Previously on Cherie's blog (and for a limited time only) you were allowed to punish me if I didn't update every day. That's right, an update from yours truly, every day. I am bringing back that feature with a few adjustments. First I will be adding my YouTube channel to this challenge. So I will be able to either update in text or on YouTube each day (updating both is possible but never required). I know at least one of my friends isn't interested in my YouTube channel, but this friend and others who may feel the same need not dispair; it is easier for me to do a text blog, so there will be plenty of those as well. This is just so I don't feel an undue burden when I do YouTube updates. That way the frequency of both text and video blogs should increase.

The Rules:

1.) Starting today I must post a text or video blog at least once a day.

2.) If it is a text blog, it must include either news or information about me or a photo taken by me.

3.) All text blogs must always include at least one picture and some text, but the photos only have to be taken by me of I don't write anything about myself.

4.) If it is a video blog, it must be at least a minute in length. There is no maximum length save the restrictions on YouTube.

If (and ONLY if) I break one or more of these rules, any of you may suggest a punishment. But, unlike last time, I won't do all of your punishments. I will choose one for each infraction. So make them all good since you don't know which I'll choose. Punishments may not involve anything that will cost me more than $5, seriously physically harm me, or get me arrested. However, humiliation and difficulty of any other kind are fair game.

When will this end?

I wish I could say never, but I know better. My life is pretty up in the air right now, so I'm going to go with: until I move again. By this I mean actually move. Sadly, I feel my close relationship with planes is not yet over, but I don't want to let that stop me. In the process of moving there will, no doubt, be a disruption in my internet service which seems a good reason to cut myself a break. Part of me was tempted to say until I get too busy, but since that's a really subjective deadline, I didn't want to give myself too easy a way out. Moving is a soft enough deadline since I don't know when it will be. The only way I can miss a day before then is if I am in a location where internet is unavailable for a full 24 hours. As long as I am at my sister's, this will never be the case because she lives near places where internet access is available.

Why are you doing this?

To keep in touch with all of you. On a purely personal level, I forsee hard times to come in my life. It would be far too easy to withdraw entirely from the world and allow those troubles to consume me. Better to reach out now because it will only be harder later. I also want to prevent all of you, my friends, from becoming a distant memory. Currently I am happy to be reunited with my family, but I have no friends in my immediate vicinity.

On a philosophical level, this kind of action fits with my values. It often amazes me that the easier communication has become, the less we communicate with each other, or in the very least, the less meaningful the communication becomes. From one line emails, to Facebook, to 140 character tweets, technology seems determined to trim down our coorespondense all while it has the power and potential to enhance it. But is technology really the enemy here, or is it our own laziness?

Story Word Updates!

Three months. Yup, it's been three months since I've told you all how many words I've written in my current novel. I know you've all been on the edge of your seats not knowing. It's been pretty pathetic, but maybe regular blog updates well increase accountability and, therefore, productivity.

March: 4421 words (Ugh...)

April: 1235 words (My excuse is finals...but that's hopefully the last time I get that excuse.)

May: 4012 words (Moving stuff. But I still could have been more productive)

If I don't update my word counts once a month from now on that's also a punishable offense that does not end when I move. The only excuse from now on is if I don't have internet for the entire month. And what do you guys think of me tweeting my daily word counts? It's the only use of twitter that really appeals to me, but I'm curious what you guys think. It affects my decision if no one's interested.

Well, that's all for now! If you read all the way to the end, you deserve a treat. If you tell me you reached the end, I'll try to think of a way to honor you.
Align Center


Deja said...

Still finishing 730 pages of Molly O'Neil's anthology, but I'm on the last 100 pages! Onto yours next (I hope).

Unknown said...

Cherie -- I read the whole thing and made it to the end! How are you going to honor me??