Monday, September 28, 2009

Pumpkin Pie-nishment

See, it's like Pie and Punishment. Yeah, I crack myself up (and possibly no one else). Yes, I actually made a pumpkin pie made of real pumpkin. It took me four hours to do it. But I did. The most time-consuming part was cutting the pumpkin (one recipe recommended a handsaw. but I had no such thing, so I had to make do with a normal serrated knife) and then scooping out the gunk. I may have been over zealous in the latter, but toward the surface I was unsure what was gunk and what was pumpkin.

I didn't take as many pictures as I probably should have to document the whole ordeal, but here's one picture of the orange goo in progress.

1 comment:

Sarah Renee said...

The pie looks phenomenal!