Monday, January 25, 2010

Dentists, Agents, and Human Ducks
Align Center

This duck seems to be saying "What are you looking at?"

I had hoped to wait on posting until my brain felt less like sludge. But I woke up early and it has remained sludge, so in fear of forgetting to post entirely, I shall summarize my day. I rode my bike to my dentist appointment in the pouring rain. Despite being decked out in rain gear (which my sister and I like to compare to being human ducks) water still soaked through to my sweatshirt. But my pants were dry at least. Rain pants were most definitely a good investment. Except I didn't invest in them, my sister did. So thanks to my sister!

At least the dentist appointment was good. The dentist and I actually agreed on procedure! Joy of joys! If I'm going to have a tooth pulled out of my face, I like to agree on how it should be done (i.e. I should NOT be sedated. I only want local anesthetic). He also seems to be taking the wait and see approach to my other wisdom teeth which suits me fine. All of mine are full bony impactions which can be just as much trouble to remove as leave in. Only one tooth is partially erupted and he will be removing that one because of risk of infection.

They also told me I had low blood pressure at the dentists (he's actually an oral surgeon, so it makes sense for him to take blood pressure). I've been told this before and no one seems particularly alarmed about it but I'vew always been curious what it means. Particularly since, with my personality, I've always worried I might have high blood pressure.

I am continuing to research agents to decide a list of ten who will be my first rejections. Hooray!

(And now it's raining some more but at least I'm inside!)

1 comment:

Deja said...

Are you another 110/70? I've been that way for years though it recently rose to 110/80. I don't think there's any problem with it except a minor risk of fainting.