Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ice Skating

First, I am beginning to seriously worry I'm getting senile. Although, I did remember my blog at several points throughout the day, each time I'd get distracted and didn't do it! My sister's not sure what to do for my punishment. Maybe I'll owe her indentured servitude...

Anyway, yesterday I went ice skating with my meet-up group. I found out that I was much better at ice skating when I was a kid. Never great. But I think a combination of really wanting to be a figure skater and my own desire to impress others meant I was willing to overcome my fear of falling over and cracking my skull open.

Now I've pretty much accepted I'll never be a professional figure skater and I'm no longer concerned about impressing people with my ice skating skills. Only the fear of cracking my skull seems to be left.

However, I did not fall over once yesterday and I went around the rink several times, so I guess that's a success.

P.S. In case anyone notices (and so I don't try to weasel out of my punishment later) this blog does say Sunday, but that's only because I opened an empty one at the time it says and blogger counts the time you opened the new post, not the time you posted it. Since my sister noticed the lack of post before I posted, that means I owe her a punishment.

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