Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mmm... Delicious Sparkles

A friend of mine gave me these to me. These candy hearts actually sparkle and have flavors like "Orange Obsession," "Tempting Apple," and "Secret Strawberry." That last one's my favorite as it makes me want to laugh every time. Go on, show them your "Secret Strawberry." It sounds so wrong.

But I have to confess these candies actually taste really good--a lot better than normal candy hearts, which I've always thought taste like chalk. Maybe they're supposed to taste like what Bella would taste like to Edward. There should really be a Bella flavor -- Bella Berry anyone?

1 comment:

Deja said...

I just saw Twilight last night and the special effects weren't as bad as reported, but it kept driving me and my friend nuts was the poor sparkling effect. It's totally inconsistent and not intense enough. What were they thinking? They use so much more in the film they could've spared a bit more in the sun revealing scene, don't you think?